cinphul // shrn introductory gift advertisement (inspired by Sharon Apple from Macross Plus)

Work in progress for // shrn [stilettos] shared in the cinphul Discord server. Viewport screenshot from Substance Painter.

Notable responses from the survey: HUD size

Notable responses from the survey: Diagrams vs Text

Notable responses from the survey: Expanded options

Flowchart indicating how different icons will rotate open a new sub-menu.

Initial sketch assuming all sub-menus could be rotated in and out of sight with accommodation if not.

Preliminary HUD mock-up. First shows buttons on rotatable cube and 2nd all primitives facing the front.

Back of HUD buttons in 2nd 3D mock-up, along with the tint HUD before it is flipped 180 degrees when in use.

A more advanced mock-up, testing transparency and positioning of material swatch buttons that cannot be rotated.

Custom icons for the new cinphul HUD template.

The new HUD template shown with varying expansions to accommodate multiple areas of customization as needed.
Video demonstration of the new HUD and how it is used for texture change and tint control for both diffuse and emissive layers.